BOND Hosts Mentorship Mixer in Pontotoc

B.O.N.D. Small Business Group held its first Mentorship Mixer at the Pontotoc County Agri Center Conference Room on April 28th, 2018.

During the event, applications were filled out by those interested in finding a mentor or mentee. Participants also had the chance to tell the group about their businesses and why they wanted to become a mentor or mentee.

B.O.N.D. was also honored to have Denotee Martin of The Minority PUL Alliance at the event. He took the time to talk to the group about MPUL and the importance of building interpersonal relationships.

B.O.N.D. is an organization for small businesses in Northeast Mississippi to come together, network, unwind, and learn. B.O.N.D. aims to help small businesses connect and grow in their communities and expand their influence.

To check out more photos from the event or learn more about B.O.N.D., please visit the organization’s official Facebook Group Page or contact us to learn how you can get involved.