The coronavirus outbreak that began in Wulan, China is taking the nation by storm. Although many cases are now decreasing in China, the disease has increased in more than 100 countries in the world, including the United States. Looking at the situation, it is easy to become fearful. However, as a business owner, consider this outbreak as a time to reset, relax and regroup your business, so when the economy is back up and running you will be too! Here we have ten dos and don’ts for you in order to keep you and your business afloat during this epidemic.
Don’t panic. According to the CDC, ” The immediate risk of being exposed to this virus is still low for most Americans.” However, it is important to take proper precautions.
Do wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds throughout the day using antibacterial soap and water. Do so:
- Before eating and cooking
- After touching metal surfaces and items
- After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Don’t wear a facemask if you have to run an errand. Health officials suggest you leave the mask for people who really need them like the sick or healthcare professionals.
Do meditate and change your mindset.
We are aware this virus is spreading rapidly, and unfortunately deaths have taken place. However, we believe if you change your mindset from negative to positive thinking, you will feel 100 percent better! A practical tip we encourage you to do is try something new when you wake up in the morning. Instead of turning on the news, meditate on how good your day will be and what you can do to help others. We promise you will feel at ease and your day will run smoother.
Don’t isolate yourself from others. This is the perfect time to amp up your social media game. Find out what social media platform stands out to you for your business and do your research. For starters, we suggest you visit Facebook, find a group of likeminded individuals, join the group and see how they run their social media. You can always connect with us on our official Facebook group!
Do communicate with others and make phone calls. Reach out to your loved ones and catch up with former colleagues. Share with them updates of your business and find out what their current focus is on. If you are in a house with others, remind your family of your booming business. Share with them how they can help support you!
Do evaluate your business. No business is perfect. Find out where your business is lacking and come up with a realistic plan to fix
Don’t slack. Many small businesses have been forced to close, lay off their employees, and stay home because of this epidemic. Once again we are aware this can be very depressing and put a damper on your business. How you encourage you to push forward and think outside of the box. For example, if you are a workout trainer or gym expert create online courses for your clients and share your news on social media.
Thanks for reading! Did any of these tips encourage you to try something new? If so, share with us which one in the comments below!
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