As part of BOND Small Business Group’s second-annual Virtual Beauty & Fashion Showcase, we sat down with Amelia Ball, Owner Of MAXIMUS Jewels, to talk about her business.
MAXIMUS Jewels is an E-commerce boutique selling Bold & Unique Women’s clothing with Accessories.
BOND: How long have you been in business?
Ball: May 2022 will make 5 years I have been in business.
BOND: What got you interested in fashion?
Ball: I’ve always had a passion for getting dressed up, I never needed a reason. My 1st job was working retail at a Levi’s store & the love for denim & fashion grew from there.
BOND: What’s your favorite part of having your business?
Ball: Having the freedom to move as I pleased. But also being able to put smiles on women’s faces who lack confidence due to their wardrobe. My job is to maximize their look & make them feel good about themselves..inside & out!
BOND: How did you start your business?
Ball: Starting my business did not start out like a dream. I moved to MS, became pregnant, & without local family. I believed my only option at having a piece of mind was to start my own business. This way I’ll have the freedom to raise my son Kingston MAXIMUS whom which I named my business after. So I took all the money I had which was $400 in savings, went to Atlanta to purchase “Statement Jewelry”. Came back to MS & that weekend my husband’s aunt was having a house party & I asked could I come set up my jewelry as a “pop up”. She said yes & that was the start of MAXIMUS Jewel’s journey.
BOND: What advice do you have for other aspiring boutique owners?
Ball: I would advise you to start your business with no expectations but be confident in all moves you make, good or bad. Keep your faith, network with strangers, & keep learning!! Perfect the craft the money will follow.
To learn more about Amelia and MAXIUMUS Jewels, please follow her on Facebook & Instagram (maximusjewels or maximus_boutique) or visit her website.